Same Philosophy...different location

Due to construction at the Brickworks we have moved to Sunnybrook Ravine - a secondary location will be located in the Beaches in Fall 2025


Sunnybrook Ravine - current location

JK - Grade 6

The Beaches (secondary location) - Fall 2025 

JK - Grade 6

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or call 416 917-9409

Our "Contact Me" portal is currently not active


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    1. What type of school is Gradale?

    A. Gradale Academy is an established Toronto private school that has been operating in Rosedale since 2000. Gradale offers students an academically enriched program with smaller class sizes. Gradale’s philosophy is simple, “produce confidence within each student and this will result in success”.

    2. What makes Gradale different from other private schools?

    A. At Gradale Academy we believe that children have an educational advantage if they are closer to nature. Our location at the Evergreen Brick Works has unparalelled access to a natural setting, seperating us from any other school in Toronto. The Brick Works environment offers unique outdoor learning opportunities and will foster an appreciation for our environment. 

    Note: Research has proven that learning in an environment surrounded by nature can increase:

    1) An appreciation not only for our surroundings, but a respectful attitude towards others. 
    2) Focus and attention, leading to better performance and grades. 

    3. Sunnybrook Ravine, is that safe?

    The ravine is heavily used by the local community in all four seasons. The constant foot traffic and close proximity to Northlea United Church makes it a safe place. It is monitored almost constantly. 

    Furthermore, students will always be accompanied by a teacher as they explore and the ravine.

    4. If students are going to be in the ravine, where are they going to be participating in traditional sports like soccer and football?

    A. Gradale is going to be offering children learning and physical education opportunities that are not available at other schools. Although the fundamentals of traditional sports may be learned, Gradale will also be offering non-traditional phys-ed outings such as hiking, snowshoeing, orienteering and cross-country skiing.

    5. My child has allergies and I don't want him in the woods – can you accommodate this?

    A. Gradale Academy will not be for everyone. We are looking for unique families that espouse the value of a superior education combined with an appreciation for nature. Gradale’s focus on experiential learning will be a great benefit to a child ready to embrace all of the opportunities the school will provide. 


    Gradale Academy’s Covid-19 Safety Plan 

    In accordance with updated health guidelines, the following information has been updated for the convenience of parents and guardians.  

    Symptoms to watch for in your child(ren) and family members: 

    • Fever and/or chills 
    • Cough or barking cough (croup) 
    • Shortness of breath 
    • Decrease or loss of taste or smell 
    • Muscle aches/joint pain 
    • Extreme tiredness 
    • As per regular protocols, all sick individuals with any symptoms of illness – including those with symptoms not included above – should stay home and seek assessment from their regular health care provider, if required. 

    The student should be excluded from school under the following conditions: 

    1. If the student has one or more symptoms even if it is mild or has resolved, the student should stay home, self-isolate, and get tested or contact their health care provider. 
    2. If anyone in the student's household has one or more of the above symptoms the student should also stay home, self-isolate, and follow instructions from public health. 
    3. If the student has been in close contact with a person who has Covid-19 they will need to stay home and self-isolate for 14 days, even if they don't have symptoms. 
    4. If the student has a household member that has been in close contact with a person who has Covid-19, all members in the household must quarantine for 14 days (until the person who had close contact has completed their self-isolation period), 
    5. If the student has travelled outside of Canada they must self-isolate for 14 days. 
    6. If the student has a household member that has travelled outside of Canada all individuals in the household who attend a school setting must stay home until the individual who travelled completes their 14 day travel quarantine. 


    Consideration for Immunization Status 

    In alignment with the Ministry of Health, asymptomatic individuals who are fully immunized (equal to or more than 14 days after receiving their second dose of a two-dose Covid-19 vaccine series, or their first dose of a one-dose Covid-19 vaccine series) or who were previously positive within the past 90 days and have since been cleared, are not required to isolate if they are in contact with an individual who is symptomatic or who tests positive for Covid-19, unless otherwise directed by the public health unit. 



    • Parents are expected to screen their child(ren) for symptoms on a daily basis, prior to leaving for school. Parents can use the screening form to check whether you/your child(ren) or any other member of your household have any of the symptoms provided above. 
    • Ensure that neither your child (ren) nor anyone in your child(ren)'s household, nor anyone with whom a member of your child(ren)'s household has been in close contact, has tested positive for COVID-19 or had any of the symptoms in the last 14 days, and that neither your child(ren)'s, nor anyone in your child(ren)'s household, nor anyone with whom a member of your child(ren)'s household has been in close contact, has traveled to or had a layover in any country outside Canada in the past 14 days. Students who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has traveled outside Canada in the past 14 days must not attend school until a minimum of 14 days has passed since the positive test result or from the date of return to Canada. 
    • Staff, students and visitors will be provided with a screening questionnaire daily before entering the school building. 
    • Screening questionnaires will be dated and time stamped, and kept as a record for the school year. 
    • Individuals who answer YES to any of the questions will not be permitted to enter/attend the school. 
    • There will be a designated area outside clearly identifiable near the main entrance as a screening station. 
    • The screening station will allow for a minimum of two meters/six feet distance between the staff conducting the screening and the individual being screened. 
    • Hand sanitizer will be available at the screening area. 
    • Visual markers/cues spaced two meters/six feet apart will be used to help students and anyone else entering the school to maintain a two meter/six-foot distance from each other if waiting to be screened. 
    • Rapid testing is available on site. 


    Cohorting staff and students, including the use of supply teachers 

    • Class sizes will not exceed 12 students, and will rotate indoor class time with only two classes in the school at one time. Close contact may be unavoidable between members of cohorts; however, physical distancing will be maintained where possible. 
    • Every student will have their own school supplies (these should be clearly labelled with their name) preventing any sharing within the class. 
    • The classes/cohorts will be in separate areas of the building and the students will be physically distanced within the classroom. 


    Mask requirements for staff and students 

    Masks do not replace the need for physical distancing, hand washing, and staying home when sick! 

    • Masks will be worn by our staff while indoors. 
    • Medical masks (surgical/procedural) are required to be worn by school staff while outdoors if two (2) meters of distance from others cannot be maintained. 
    • Eye protection is also required if a staff member comes within two (2) meters of an unmasked individual both indoors and outdoors, as per occupational health and safety requirements. 
    • Students are required to wear a mask at all times while indoors. 
    • Masks are not mandatory outdoors at this time unless the students are in close contact of each other. 
    • Students are required to wear a mask while indoors and will be encouraged to keep them on while in their physically distanced space. 
    • Kindergarten students are encouraged to wear masks while indoors. 
    • Parents must provide their child(ren) with multiple masks (disposable or cloth) each day in case of soiling. 
    • For students using cloth masks, they are required to have clean masks in a transportable container that can be kept in their bag, as well as a Tupperware, wet bag, or ziplock bag to store used masks that need washing. 
    • A dedicated garbage bin will be provided for the disposal of single use (disposable) masks (students will be responsible for the disposal of their own masks and will be taught how to responsibly dispose of their mask). 
    • Students will be taught the proper use of masks, and how to safely put on and take off a mask. 


    Drop-off and Pick Up 

    • Drop-off and pick up of all students will happen outside the school building, unless it is determined that there is a need for the parent/guardian to enter the building.    
    • Pick-up time is 3:00 PM 
    • Teachers will greet their students outside in their designated zones, and will stagger the entry times of entry into the school so only one class is dropping their belongings off at one time. 
    • Students are encouraged to arrive at school already wearing masks as social distancing is not guaranteed while outside. 
    • Parents/guardians are required to wear a mask when dropping off and picking up students. 


    Isolation/exclusion of ill staff and students 

    • In alignment with the Ministry of Health, asymptomatic high-risk close contacts of a case are now required to isolate for 10 days, unless they are fully immunized or previously tested positive. 
    • Siblings and other people in the household of the individual identified as a high-risk close contact can go to school, child care or work, but must not leave the home for other non-essential reasons. Household members who are fully immunized or who previously tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 90 days and have since been cleared are not required to stay home. 
    • If a staff member or student presents any signs of ill health (see list of symptoms) they will be separated immediately and the parents will be called to pick up their child.  
    • In the event of a COVID case in the school, all parents will be notified immediately and the class of that student will be closed for 14 days. 
    • All students and teachers within that class must be tested before returning to school. 
    • After their 14 day quarantine the students within that class can return if their test is negative. 
    • In the event that two students are sick at the same time, the school has two isolation zones to keep students isolated until they can be picked up. 


    Return to work/learn for symptomatic staff and students 

    • For COVID illness – students who are ill or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 are required to remain home under the care and supervision of their parents/caregiver. 
    • If an ill child, parent, any other household member, or Gradale staff member is tested negative for COVID19, they can return to school after being symptom free for 24 hours, and after they pass the aforementioned daily screening questions. 
    • If a student or Gradale staff member tests positive for COVID-19, we follow Toronto Public Health guidelines for contact tracing, and inform the Gradale Parent and Staff community. The student or staff member must remain in isolation, until Toronto Public Health advises that it is safe for the student or staff member to return. In any case of suspected COVID-19, we follow the direction of Toronto Public Health. 
    • For Non-COVID illness – staff and students may return to school after 24 hours symptoms free, with documentation of a negative COVID swab to demonstrate the illness is NOT COVID. 
    • If parents do not wish to have their child(ren) swabbed for COVID, they will be considered presumptive COVID positive, and will be required to remain at home for a minimum of 14 days, plus at least 48 hours symptoms free. 


    International Travel 

    In accordance with the Ministry of Health, unvaccinated children under the age of 12 are now exempt from federal quarantine if they travelled in the company of someone who qualified for an exemption from quarantine based on vaccination status. However, they may not attend school or child care for 14 days after their arrival